Saturday, 1 September 2007

Recently the humans keep talking about "Ratatouille". Don't you know that? Ai yo, no no, it is not that stewed vegetable dish with all those tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini and basil. It is the latest family film about a rat who dreams of becoming a chef at a renowned French restaurant!

Hey man! Have a nice day!

If you like "The Incredibles" by Brad Bird, "Ratatouille" will be equally entertaining too. As with any other movie star, all these onscreen animals/humans have the X-factor. They save lives, they sing and dance well or even rescue the whole world! But in "Ratatouille", Remy (the good food-lover rat) and Linguini (the kitchen cleaner) pass the messages of passion, creativity and tolerance. With zest and vision, we can succeed in fulfilling our dreams. More importantly, we must also learn to be less bias and always judge ourselves first, before any other. As the world is getting smaller, we should better it, rather than creating more racism and chaos.

After watching Remy's inspiring and cute quirks, I hope there will not be a trend in keeping rats as pet! Media is good in influencing pet popularity. Think Quill, 101 Dalmatians, Garfield and Finding Nemo, these movies had spurred the buying or adoption of those animals. When the novelty wore off, these animals were the suffering ones.

A pet is a lifetime commitment. When there are many ways and places to fall in love with a special animal, every individual must realise the responsibility before bringing the pet home in a moment of impulse. But seriously, I still find the idea of keeping rats as pet a bit appalling. What if the rat escapes? What if it gobbles up my food? What if it bites my tail? I cannot control such a situation. I am just a dog, not a cat. I do not think Wynn Wynn is capable of catching the rat too, though she does behave like a cat at times. Oh no, what will happen if people abandon these squeaky pets onto the street when they no longer find them cute and interesting? OH GOSH, would we have a Pipe Piper to save the disaster?

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