Sunday, 22 February 2009

Are you the Exception Or the Rule?

Have you watched or heard of the latest movie "He's Just Not That Into You" in town?

~ Pic from ~

The movie seems to be quite a rave and catches many people's attention. It is not the usual typical love story. It tells the stories of inter-connected 20 and 30somethings as they navigate their various relationships from the shallow end of dating pool to deep murky waters of married life. In the love game, everyone tried to read the signs of the opposite sex, while hoping in heart that they would be the exceptions, and not the rules...

Why do humans add so much complication in their love relationships? When HE does not call her after the first date, or SHE does not want to develop further with him, isn't that a clear sign to say,"Sorry, I'm not interested."? Doesn't somebody say human is the cleverest animal of all? Look at us, just one "Grrr" from me, Wynn Wynn will get it immediately that I am not interested to play and that she has to stay far away from me. See, I just need to apply one rule and both of us are living exceptionally happily now.

Humans are really a bunch of complex creatures. I guess they just love to have more troubles to add more sparks to their lives. No matter how, no matter what, I still wish everyone to find his or her ever after exceptional happiness ultimately. :)


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