Friday, 1 August 2008

Two Little Red Indians

Recently (don't know why), my furs have turned from creamy white to reddish. Oh yes, R E D! Even Wynn Wynn's 'goatee' has turned slightly red too. But my case seems to be more serious. Hmmm... something weird must have happened on us. Could it due to a spell? Well, MM suspected it might be due to the raw beef. Thus, she decided to stop the feeding. We are back to raw pork and chicken now.

*Sighz* When am I going back to my no-tear stains state? I miss being white.

Sorry, no photo... It's up to your imagination...

We want to become pretty princess / handsome prince!


  1. check the ear? In case is ear infection. Baby got tears stain that time cos of his ear yeast infection.

  2. *Nod nod* Had checked and they seem ok. But will continue to observe the condition. Thanks! :)

  3. wow how u draw that? niceee!!


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