Monday 14 May 2007


It has been an eventful year for me. I guess it's the same for everyone in the family too.

In the past whole year, I was in & out of 4 different animal clinics, seeking medical treatment from 4 veterinarians for my skin infection. Each vet would give different diagnose, advice and remedy. However, none helped me much, not even one of the best vets in sg. In fact, my condition became more serious as days went by. I was suffering. MM was helpless. Everyone in the family felt powerless. They could only stop me when I was trying to get out of the e-collar boundary, to scratch myself viciously and chew my paws angrily. To add on to the affliction, Great-grandma passed away. That was late April 2006.

Nevertheless, life goes on. Everyone has to move on. Months passed and instead of recovering on prescribed medication and designed diet (mainly papaya, beancurd and different types of vegetable!), my condition actually worsened. In fact, it seemed like a small fungal problem had actually developed into a terrible yeast infection! I became thinner and I always felt listless. I was no longer the happy Frankie that I used to be. Since the vets could not help me, MM decided to take things into her hands. She sought advice from those dog owners whose dogs were facing or had faced such a similar skin problem. She searched Internet for the symptoms, causes and cures of yeast infection.

Bravely, MM took me out of all medication. My diet was changed to home-cooked food with only a single source of meat (at a time) and vegetables. Hurray! No more vegetarian food and antibiotics! MM also gave me supplements like vitamin C, evening primrose oil, fish oil (on alternate with EPO) and pet sun chlorella to boost up my immunity system. I would like to say thanks to Auntie Jules. She suggested MM to give me chlorella, which is a good source of minerals, vitamins and protein. Oh yes, I love that! I hope MM will still give me that, even after I am fully recovered. As for my external treatment, MM gave me full body massage using virgin coconut oil every alternate night. I felt like a hotdog waiting to be grilled!

Today, after 5 months on MM's natural treatment, I am quite a 70% healthy boy. Though I am not fully recovered yet, my red sores are healed and my weight is returning. I am no longer hiding at a dark corner, drowning in my own despair. I am no longer hanging a sad look on my face. I am no longer wearing my E-collar 24 hours every day. I begin to enjoy my usual activities - eating, walking around the neighbourhood, marking at every tree and lamp post, playing and wrestling with Wynn Wynn! Well, I guess God does still dote on me. :)

Lastly, here's to share some of my photos. I am sorry if they have caused you any repugnant feelings...

Early April 2006 - My very first skin infection symptons and when my 'E-collar' fashion statement started...

Dec 2006 - When the condition became MORE serious... My pink-turned-to-black paws...

Dec 2006 - My 'disfigured' neck...

Dec 2006 - After-result of my die-hard biting and chewing - Raw, red, not to mention bloody smelling wound...

Dec 2006 - A body full of sores... 5-cent size, 10-cent size etc... You name it, you see it.

Currently on the road to recovery... *HIGH 5*

A not-100%-recovered me, but definitely a HAPPIER me! I will JIA YOU!


  1. Poor Frankie boy! have a speedy recovery! but u still look so cheerful despite ur ailment! jiayou!

  2. Frankie Boy said,"Thank you, PS-ma! I will jia you de..."


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