Monday, 6 August 2007

The Sleepyworm

It is study week, which means the examination is coming soon. If you are a student, do work hard like Yu Jiejie. Do not 抱佛脚 in last minute! Or perhaps try not to end up like me, always automatically dozing off wth no telltale signs. Heehee!

Though I am not a student, I do like books alot. Somehow, I will drift into my dreamland when I come into contact with any book. Books actually make a very nice pillow. Perhaps it runs in the family. Heard MM was always found dozing off whenever she hit on her lecture notes or books. Gosh, it is really a miracle that she could manage to graduate in the end. Tell you a secret - MM can also doze off while watching a TV programme! In this minute she might be discussing the story scene with you. But in another minute, you will find yourself getting snores as the answer to the discussion question! Haha!

I guess sleepy bugs are in the air. No wonder I begin to feel sleepy... *Yawnz*

What's written on the notes? I think I am dozing off soon...

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