Saturday, 1 December 2007

New BARF Meat

MM went marketing early this morning, for she could not do that on Sunday. Besides the usual chicken wings, MM had introduced a new meat into this week's BARF menu. We are having beef muscle meat and liver! Well, both Frankie and I have not tasted beef before. But the humans always say beef steak is nice and juicy. Hmmm.... our new menu sounds yummy! Let's also hope our body system can take the new food. Only then we can venture to try the others, like mutton or perhaps crocodile meat?

Menu of the week - chicken wing, beef muscle meat, beef liver and blended veg


  1. woofies y'all! gd to noe that ur doin gr8! wen ur desperate for other new stuffs, mayb u can get ur mommie to get some deep sea fishes like salmon, seabass, sardines etc... these fishes r goodies! u can see some of them @ my blog:

    hope to see more posts frm u soon!

    lickies n woofies,
    Velvet & bitches

  2. Hi there~

    Wow... your food look delicious!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Lots of Love,


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