Friday, 30 November 2007


We heard of SNAG (Sensitive New Age Guy). But do you know that we have SNAD too? Of course we do! FYI, I am quite a good example of SNAD (Sensitive New Age Dog).

I am sensitive internally and externally. Being emotionally sensitive, I listen attentively to those woes or grandmother stories by the humans (though I might doze off in the midst at times). I show my concern by being a quiet dog in their laps (which can be quite a nice resting area). When someone is outside the house, I 'call out' to them to show my acknowledgement of their presence. You can't possibly feign ignorance. That is rude, you know. And when I am not feeling good, I give a 'hint' to indicate DO NOT DISTURB. I usually do not like showing an outburst of my displeasure. Most will get the hint and they will stay away to give me some timeout. Except for that thick-skulled Wynn Wynn. *Sighz*

As for being sensitive externally, the humans always say they have never seen such a skin sensitive dog like me. Well, I guess that is a compliment. :)


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