Sunday, 25 November 2007

Our Detox Results

After a week of raw diet, we are proud to announce we are still SURVIVING! And the next best thing is we can eat chicken after all! Isn't life great? :))

As for our detox results, here's the checklist:

  • Bowels - Luckily we have no diarrhoea so far. In fact, we do not poo much. I am 'releasing' mine on alternate days while Frankie does his 'big business' like in every 2,3 days. Each poo amount is little but SUPER SMELLY! The colour looks weird too. It has 3 colours - black, brown and white! Isn't that amazing? Anyway, MM has decided to give us more veggies in the next meal, in case we are having constipation. :P

  • Breakout - No rashes, no flakes, no pus *touchwood*. But Frankie still scratches here and there at times. Though he is not hurting himself, he is still under observation for any severe scratching. Itchy skin is one detox symptom too. However, as Frankie has always been like that, he might have done it habitually.

  • Bad Breath - MM checks our teeth and smells our mouths. Maybe with the aid of more chewing, my teeth has become cleaner! MM said our mouth breath is within acceptable range. Heehee...

For now, though we seem to doing ok on raw diet, it is still too early to tell. Thus everything has to be continued under check. However, we tend to feel more hunger pangs nowadays. MM used to feed us twice per day (TWICE leh!). Perhaps due to the needed extra caution in handling raw food, lazy MM decided to feed us once per day. In that case, shouldn't MM give us 30%, instead of 3% food amount of our body weight?

I smell food...

U mean it's mealtime?!!

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