Sunday, 18 November 2007


Yes, today is the day. MM said we would start on a new diet today, which is known as BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food). Huh? What's that? The name sounds strange to our ears, but Wynn Wynn and I believe it must be something goodie. Furthermore being a modern adventurer, we always welcome any food idea! Ok, most importantly, the food must be edible and nice... :)

For a start, MM prepared a variety of vegetables and blended them into a errr... a bit weird green mixture (Yucks!). Next, she chopped different raw chicken parts into some sizes and shapes, weighed them as according to a calculated ratio before packing them up into individual ziploc bags. Due to our low activity level, MM decided our daily food intake shall be 3% of our body weight. Each packet of meat and bones would make up 60% of our meal. The remaining 40% would be vegetables and offals. But as we were going to switch over to BARF cold turkey, MM would not include offals right away. She wanted our individual body system to get used to raw food first. We see, we see.... *Nod nod*

Well, let's take my current weight (4.8 kg) as an example:

Meal amount per day
= 3% x 4.8
= 0.14 kg

Amount of RMBs (Raw Meaty Bones) in the meal
= 60% x 0.14
= 0.086 kg ( which consists of 60% meat and 40% bones)

Hmmm... in that case, wouldn't Wynn Wynn be eating MORE than me?!?!!!!! *Pouts*

Different greens, one yellow and one white... ready to be CRUSHED!

Our weekly supply of blended green food

Lastly, it's ATTACK TIME! Yoghurt was served as an appetizer. When the main course came, MM handfed us the bones (chicken back and wing) first. Surprisingly, Wynn Wynn and I handled that very well. We had passed the first test with flying colours! Heehee...

Our new raw diet - with a healthy doze of fish body oil, vitamin E and C

Well done!

Well, though everything seemed to be going smoothly, the next critical test would be the detox results. Due to that, MM had also decided to stop giving us our weekly soup in the meantime. We heard that the most common symptoms of detox include vomiting, LS, bad breath and itchy skin. Hmmm... hopefully we would overcome all possible hurdles. Jia you, JIA YOU!!!

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