Saturday, 19 January 2008

Small Yet Powerful

MM introduced a new vegetable into our weekly diet today. It was almost round, brownish, rough skinned and attached to a little stalk of leaf. Though it looked clownish (unlike a big turnip), but I would say it was quite cute in some ways. When MM removed its brownish outer layer, its flesh was actually a distinctive purpish red! Hey, I thought veggies are mostly green or yellow. This little thing was interesting. :)

Though most of it would be blended together with the other vegetables, MM still cut some small pieces for us as a first trial. Conclusion? Not too bad... it tasted neither sweet nor bitter, but it was super crunchy! WE LIKE! MM said it is called beet or beetroot. Despite of its small size, it does have a lot of beneficial properties.

The powerful antioxidant betacyanin gives beetroot its deep red hue. This vegetable purifies the blood and has anti-carcinogenic properties. It is known to boost the body’s natural defenses in the liver, gall bladder and kidney, regenerating immune cells. It also contains silica which is vital for healthy skin, nails and bones. In all, beetroot contains sodium, potassium, iodine, copper, vitamins B1, B2, B3, and B6. It is particularly rich in Vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus and iron. Though it does not taste sweet, the root consists of about a tenth portion of pure sugar. The rest is mainly starch and gum. Thus a moderate amount each month should give us a cleaner bill of health?

We certainly hope so. It is too early to tell since we are still on the trial process. But one thing is unexpected yet certain - our pee became RED!

~ Edited from an online pic ~

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