Saturday, 9 February 2008

Home Alone

Frankie and I were home alone today. Not that we were undergoing some training on house guarding, but the humans had actually forsaken us for a visit to the National Museum! Without US! *GRRrrrr...*

Actually we do understand pets are not allowed at the premises. In fact most public places in Singapore do not really welcome pets. That is sad, but we could not do much to improve the situation. Anyway MM did share with us some photos and stories of the exhibitions that they had visited. Camera flash is not allowed in the galleries, but some photos did turn out quite clearly. Furthermore we were given some nice treats as compensation. Ok, we shall forgive them! Heehee...

The humans went to see the Greek Masterpieces from the Louvre. There are four galleries which exhibit a fine selection of 130 sculptures, figurines, reliefs, vases and jewellery. The normal display at The Louvre was according to the material type. But this time at the National Museum of Singapore, the exhibition is arranged thematically an overview of Greek civilisation at its political and artisitic height in the so-called Classical period (5th to 4th centuries BCE). The exhibition galleries comprise of

1. Athens in the Classical Period

2. Living in Ancient Greece

3. Agon: The Spirit of Competition

4. Religion: Of Gods and Heroes

MM hopes she could visit The Louvre one day. That would make another purposeful trip at Paris, other than visiting the main attractions like Eiffel Tower, Paris cabarets and shopping for more LV bags. Well, Paris sounds good. Are pets welcome?

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