Sunday, 28 October 2007

A New Guessing Game

Guess what? Of course they are guessing my weight!

As Frankie and I are going for our annual checkup tomorrow, the humans decided to play a game by guessing my weight. Why me?!! I am not the only pui pui one in the family. To further hurting my pride, they even placed bets on their speculation (faint!). Who said a pretty dog has a rosy life?!?!!! *SOB*

Beggar's alms? Nope, this is the box of winnings!

Since things have come to such a state, perhaps it might be better to know my exact weight after all. At least I might have a chance to prove that my size is still within the universal standard of Shih Tzu! *GRRRrrrr...*


  1. Wow! The stakes are BIG! =P Who won? keke And what is wynn2 current weight?

  2. Wynn's current weight is 5.76 kg.
    The winner? Of course it's me lor! Haha!!


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