Saturday 27 October 2007

Soup Of The Week

We had soup for breakfast again! This time, MM cooked us watercress with red dates. Red dates are supposed to improve blood circulation, while watercress is renowned as a spring-cleaning herb to purify the blood and toning the whole body system.

~ Our soupy breakfast ~

As usual, we finished every bit of it. I realised I actually like soup a lot. No wonder there is such a saying - "Anytime is a perfect time to satisfy your soul with a piping hot bowl of broth based soup." Though we cannot take piping hot soup, Frankie and I are just as satisfied with a bowl of soup at normal room temperature. Furthemore MM's soup always contains my most favourite - pork ribs!

The humans in the family believe certain soups have healing power, especially when using some Chinese medicine and/or herbs. The approach of using Chinese medicine is based on the concept of Yin and Yang, the two forces that rule the universe. Yin refers to the feminine and cooling forces, while Yang represents the masculine and hot forces. Although the two forces are seen being different, they are actually meant to complement each other in reality. As for herbs, they can be some plant spices, seeds and staple veggies like broccoli. Herbs are well-known for their various vitamins and minerals, as well as therapeutic and medicinal uses.

Though MM is not sure of how beneficial the soup can be for us, she just hopes every bowl of lovingly prepared soup will still have the ability to comfort and bring us more joy. Oh yes, we are definitely happy to have such new food in our diet. Our eat-&-lick-the-bowl-till-super clean has told the truth. Thus, please give us a BIGGER bowl of that on next Saturday!


  1. This soup looks yummy! I think FE will go crazy over it. =p Maybe I will boil it tml for them.

  2. I guess your darlings would love soup too! F&W always lick their bowls clean clean. Haha... Have fun!


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