Saturday, 15 December 2007

Something New Something Good

MM had been so busy in the past 2 weeks that she hardly had time for Wynn Wynn and me. But today, she's at home with us! *Hurray*

After our morning walk, MM went marketing for our weekly food supply. Guess what she had bought for us? They are DUCK WINGS! MM said it must be our luck for it was not easy to chance upon fresh duck wings in the neighbourhood dry market. Besides that, MM had also bought kunning fish. Hmmm... that sounds another something good. MM said it shall be a new test for us as we would be eating the fish as a WHOLE. WOW!!!

Kunning fish, beef, lamb, duck wings... HEY, no offals?


Wynn Wynn - savouring her fish slowly... unlike Me!

Chop chop fast fast... I am actually a polar bear in disguise!

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