Thursday, 21 February 2008

The Little Vampire

OH GOSH! A TICK was found on Wynn Wynn's head this morning!

When Hui Jiejie removed the living fatty eight-legged insect, a tiny wound had already been formed on Wynn Wynn's head. To play safe, Wynn Wynn was thoroughly scrutinized for any other wounds or more of such little vampire. Seemed like this tick had been eating, sleeping and resting well on Wynn Wynn, as if it had checked into a 5-star hotel!

With eight legs instead of six, the tick is cousin to the spider, with a penchant for spreading disease as it feasts on mammal blood. It is actually a real little nasty critter that catches the unsuspecting dog, crawls up to the dog's bare skin, buries its head under the skin layer and proceeds to drink all the blood it can get! An embedded tick will look like a small black or brown pimple. Thus when a small lump is felt on the dog, always pulls the furs apart to investigate it further. Luckily Hui Jiejie did not dismiss the "black pimple" on Wynn Wynn's head. Perhaps it was this tick that had caused those swelling on her under belly a few days ago! *GRRRRrrrr....*

A similar-looking tick that was found on Wynn Wynn
~ Edited from an online pic ~

This is the very first time a tick was found in the family, and we hope this would be the last time too. In our past walks at the parks and fields, we did not have any encounter with ticks before. Hence MM could not understand how a tick could manage to stay on Wynn Wynn when we had not even gone for any walks since last Saturday! This is really puzzling... Anyway the tick had "checked out". Wynn Wynn is once again the happy-go-lucky glutton dog! Hiak hiak!

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