Sunday 20 May 2007

Today's Dinner Menu

MM decided to come up with a new dinner menu for us today. I took a peep and saw a few ingredients on the kitchen table. They were

1) Dory fish fillet (No head, no tail, no skin! Nice meh?)
2) Parsley (To be precise, it's Chinese Parsley.)
3) Egg (Did I see things wrongly? MM was giving us chicken egg... CHICKEN leh!)
4) Rosemary (A kind of herb... tiny weeny yet MM said it is good for skin. Mmmm...)
5) Virgin coconut oil (Ohh... We LOVE that! The more the merrier, pls!)

After thinking to herself for barely 5 minutes, MM decided to mix everything together, before baking it. How creative... *rolled eyes* Anyway, I can accept any new menu. I guess Wynn Wynn has no problem too. Her only problem is puking bile juice, if she takes 1 meal lesser. Hiak hiak!

The final product! Isn't it look like Cai Tow Kuey (Fried carrot cake)?

The verdict? It's delicious! Wynn Wynn and I finished everything up clean clean. Yummy yummy yum!
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