Monday, 5 November 2007

ProDen PlaqueOff Animal

MM bought us a new oral care product, ProDen PlaqueOff Animal, about 2 months ago. Why is it mentioned till now? No no, it is not due to our laziness to update that in our blog. That is because we can finally see some results after all these while!

~ Pic taken from ~

Actually the product is more for me, than for Frankie. The condition of my teeth got worse after a few months of HCF. Though MM did brush our teeth daily and diligently, only Frankie's set of pearlies was managed to stay sparkling clean and white. Sighz... Please do not ask me why. I am as puzzled as everyone. And please do not forget, I actually suffered MORE for MM would tend to brush my teeth longer and harder! *SOB*

Today, I am finally being saved from that ordeal. Ever since I was given ProDen PlaqueOff Animal daily, my teeth condition got better each week. Though they are still not perfectly white, my teeth is no longer VERY yellowish or brownish. Even Dr Chua verified my teeth and gums are healthy in our last checkup! YEAH!

Another best thing is that ProDen PlaqueOff Animal is a completely natural product. It contains a special type of seaweed which is harvested from the seas of Norway and Iceland. Other than being rich in iodine, it also consists of many different vitamins and minerals. So far Frankie and I have not reacted negatively to the product (which MM is most glad!). As what the product has claimed, our tartar and bad breath are controlled quite significantly. Finally, we do not need to brush our teeth daily now. MM is also happy there is another safer option to replace teeth scaling. *Whew*

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