Sunday, 17 February 2008

Lumpy Wynn Wynn

No, no... not that Wynn Wynn has grown fatter again. In fact, LUMPS were found all over her under belly in the middle of the night!

Out of no reason, Wynn Wynn suddenly scratched herself vigorously non-stop. She even whined as if she was in pain! MM quickly woke up to check on her. To her horror, she found big lumps all over Wynn Wynn's under belly, including some small ones under her front limbs! OH GOSH! This was quite shocking for we never saw such a skin reaction before. Each lump was like a swelling caused by a mosquito's bite, except it was much bigger, redder and felt like a hard pebble! With no further hesitation, MM cleaned the infected area with cold water and applied Snake Brand's prickly heat powder (which is anti-bacterial). After a while, Wynn Wynn seemed to have calmed down. Perhaps she was simply exhausted by this sudden outburst.

The lumps most probably were caused by an insect's bite. But who could this Mighty Guy be? Wynn Wynn's size is almost 1000 times bigger than a typical insect. Even her nose size alone can win an adult cockroach! Therefore, this Mighty Guy is really quite a powerful fellow to have caused such an impact on our Fatty Bom Bom. This is dangerous.... we must catch the culprit soonest, before any one of us becomes his next victim! But.... *Yawnz* Perhaps we should get some sleep first. *Sleepy eyes...*

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